A google search on the term returned zero hits which is a bit of a shame. Well, it is a cheap beer (6 euros for a crate of 20 when the average is about 13 euros) and the beer is brewed by Winkels Getraenke GMBH (Usually the name of the beer would be somehow associated with the name of the brewery, i.e. Margrafenbraeu would be brewed by Margrafen Brauerei. In this case, its brewed by Winkel's Drinks Incorporated, the sort of association that would cause most Germans to steer clear of this brew. There's a classic American commercial about salsa from years ago, where the actors cringe when they read on the salsa bottle that the salsa's made in New York City. Its the same kind of thing here. Beer should come from a brewery. Not from Wenkel's house of things liquid)
I generally do not drink exports at home. They're just really too sweet for me and don't complement food well. Markgrafenbraeu though it has a terrific sweet smell also has a nice bitter taste. I really dig that combination. According to the label, its been brewed according to the German purity laws (no, this ain't some Nazi thing. German laws for brewing beer precede Herr Hitler. Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinheitsgebot ) since 1816. Not that that's any indication of a good brew (Check out Ruppaner for a sizable exception) but here, Winkel has done a good thing. For six euros for twenty half liter beers, I can't complain.
No google hits, huh? I guess it may be time to start a website for Markgrafenbraeu connoisseurs.
No google hits, huh? I guess it may be time to start a website for Markgrafenbraeu connoisseurs.
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